Science-related events happening in the Twin Cities

Events starting this weekend:

PZ Myers is speaking at 10AM Saturday on "The Evolution of Cooperativity" at the Nokomis Recreation Center (2401 E Minnehaha Parkway, Minneapolis) (Sadly I can't attend.)

(PZ will then be on 'Atheists Talk' radio show Sunday at 9AM Central, 950AM KTNF), which can be streamed live)

PZ will then be at speaking at the Roseville Public Library on Sunday at 1PM (My son and I will be in attendance). 

and then next week:

Engaging Science February 23, 11:30—12:30 p.m. | Humphrey Center

Hubert H. Humphrey was an innovative leader for his time, championing legislation that promoted scientific discovery. In honor of his legacy, Deb Swackhamer, Elizabeth Wilson, and Steve Kelley will lead a lively conversation of the challenges involved in making science engaging, engaging young people and our broader society in science, and engaging science and policy-making. The discussion will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 23, at the Humphrey Center, and is free and open to the public.
Clearly these events are being thrown in honor of my birthday, which lies right PZs talk and the Engaging Science discussion.


  1. I look forward to seeing you at the Minnesota Atheists thing with PZ and thanks for promoting the radio show.

  2. Look forward to seeing you too and thanks for hosting the show!


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