Items of Interest

Since I wrote this recent post, I thought Ild share some related information. First, the colleague, Dr. Cotner, who is using the "penis as an evolutionary spade" paper in her class was interviewed on a local radio show (4/3/11). You can find out some information regarding her popular biology (sex) class. Also, she is giving the following seminar in the Department of Ecology and Intelligent Design Evolution Biology:

EEB Seminar
April 6, 2011
3:30 p.m.
335 Borlaug
Dr. Sehoya Cotner
A classroom full of creationists: Separating fact from fiction in evolution education
If we accept that evolution is essential—if not the key—to understanding biology, then we also have a problem: How can we understand the tendency of so many practitioners of biology to avoid teaching evolution? Recent events in the evolution-creationism controversy highlight the tensions involved in teaching and learning about evolution, and reinforce themes that have persisted for decades. My work with colleagues, from both a survey-based perspective, as well as from my experiences teaching on the front lines of introductory biology, will inform much of this discussion.  Namely, we’ll address what our students have learned prior to arriving at the University, how they perceive the evolution they are taught in class, and what, if anything, can be done to affect positive change in our students’ understanding of the discipline.

Personally, I love the accompanying picture. 

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