My Favorite Time of the Year

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One of the courses I teach culminates with blog posts written by the students. This is the third year I have used this assignment and is one assignment the students actually enjoy doing (at least based on student feedback from previous years). Students will be submitting their final essays on some aspect of research on eukaryotic microbes in the next few days and you will be able to find them here. Until the new ones are posted, you can see some essays written previously.

FYI: The assignment is to write an essay of 1000 - 1500 words for a lay audience of science enthusiasts that incorporates at least primary research papers on a eukaryotic microbe. (Microbe being defined in the course as an organism that exists primarily as a single celled organism, thus excluding microscopic multicellular animals.) Students were allowed to write in any voice and use any style of writing.

If you read through an essay, please leave a comment for the student.

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