Eukaryotic Microbiology: The Blogs Are Coming

Despite my desire to keep updating the blog with course information, which has been an abject failure in regards to updates, I still want to post when I can. To be fair, I'm behind on grading, so I can't in good conscience be blogging about the course when assignments need to be graded.

However, I'll take a minute to make this brief post. It's getting to my favorite time of year: Student Blog Posts at Traveling Small with a Nucleus! I know for many students this is a writing assignment they truly enjoy. (Of course I'm sure some students do not like this assignment, but I have yet to hear from them.)
S0, I invite you to check out some previous students posts in the interim. The majority are quite good and there are some real gems in there. It's possible TSw/aN may be invaded with some organisms lacking a nucleus too. I'll keep you posted. 

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