New blog time

For the couple of people that may (or may not) follow this blog, I have a question.

I enjoy writing about science and education and other somewhat neutral yet important (and interesting IMHO) topics. However, I also enjoy blogging about politics and religion (how generally lame it is) and other more social/personal issues. While real life has greatly hampered my ability to write consistently (too fucking busy), I am dedicated to writing more....starting next week.

However, I am concerned about message. I do not want the interesting and important science to be diluted (to some potential readers) by the fact that I am an opinionated bastard. So, I have been considering starting a new blog that would contain the science- and education-oriented posts and maintaining this one until no one IWOTI. So my request to those visitors over the next week....

Is it worth separating the two? You must agree to have read at least one post of each type before deciding.

If it is worth separating the two, you have to suggest a totally awesome name for the new blog.

Penultimately, while I understand some reasons for separating the two types of posts (when possible), I will link to and maintain my association to both blogs (if this happens) because Im not a complete wuss.

Finally, thanks


  1. No it'll be too much work. Write it all in one blog.

  2. i agree, what is a blog if not a total reflection of your personality. In fact one of the reasons i like getting editorial information from blogs is that its easier to put an opinion on context based on their other writings. Plus i agree, its easier :)

  3. Thanks for the input....but I have to ask is it really that much work to read 2 posts and suggest a name?

    Oh!!! You meant, too much work maintaining 2 blogs poorly instead of just one.

  4. I agree with keeping it all in one blog, but the blog name of "Opinionated Bastard" would be great! LOL


  5. Keep it all together and cohesive, you have a fine blog and its gives the context of where you are coming from when you present your science and your opinions

  6. I am late to the party, just discovered your blog; by all means keep 1 blog. You are who you are, opinions and all. Why censor yourself? It's not like you are forcing anyone to read your posts...

  7. Thanks for the feedback! The verdict is in and 12 angry men/women (including those at drugmonkey's blog) choose 1 blog.

    Thy will be done.


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