Late last December, I bought my first Terry Pratchett book, Making Money. I have wanted to read one of the Discworld series for several years, but am always distracted by other things. Well after completing my teaching duties I picked up Making Money, in part because I had a Barnes and Noble coupon, but mostly because I thought it was the first book in the series. Nope #36! Thirty freaking six! Oh well, it doesn't seem necessary to have read the first 35, to understand this one, at least not that I've noticed.

Anyway back to the point of this post. Less than one week after buying this book, Terry Pratchett was chosen to be knighted by the Queen of freaking England! Now some doubters may suggest I had nothing to do with it. However, Terry Pratchett could have been chosen to be knighted any of the other 60 years of his life, but wasn't. Nope not knighted until after I bought his book. So any authors interested in being knighted next year, send a copy of your book sometime next December. However, to be completely upfront, you better not send any books if I have already read something by you (Im looking at you Tad Williams!) since it only seems to work for authors I haven't read previously.
I rarely read anymore, and the one book I read this year was "Small Gods" by Terry Pratchett. It was good stuff. If you haven't read it already, I highly, HIGHLY recommend "Good Omens" by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.
I'm still waiting for Terry Gilliam to get off his ass and make the damn movie already...
What if I sent you a paper manuscript? If you read it will that mean that it will sail through the reviewers and right into the journal of my choice?
I have no use for knighthood and don't even know if Americans are eligible.
hahaha, there goes your productivity for the next semester. find yourself a good used-bookstore pronto....
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